SEO Jacksonville: Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail Kewywords. Often times most people fall in love with what we in the industry call ‘vanity’ key terms. In many cases, simply building out a page optimized for any of these key terms is enough to have them rank on Google. Vanity key terms are words or phrases that describe what a company is trying to sell. If you’re a Jacksonville Realtor then a vanity key term would be ‘real estate‘. If you’re a Jacksonville lawyer a vanity key term would be ‘personal injury jacksonville’.
The Long Tail Facts
The problem is key terms are very broad. Studies have also shown that if a person is only doing research, they will type one of these vanity terms to find out more information.
Long-Tail Landing Pages
Long tail keywords are three or four-word phrases that are very specific. Longtails have a higher conversion rate than it’s vanity counterpart. Long-tail keywords are often overlooked by most novice marketers. Using long tails in your online marketing strategy to build out product specific landing pages has proven to increase conversion. You have an 80% better chance of converting over a 20% chance chasing a vanity.
Granted the new pages may not receive much traffic. However, if you build out enough pages, your page views will start adding up. Also, if there’s one thing we learned about long-tail keywords it’s that they have a high conversion rate. minimal competition. Not too many companies are vying for long tail keyword positioning because they just are not hip to the trend. They are still busy chasing after those illusive vanity key terms.
The Long Tail Conclusion
This is because long tail searches are usually a result of a potential customer doing research on a product or category and they are ready to purchase.
Long Tail Specialist
Call on JacksonvilleAIM to explain Long tail Keyword strategy or a greater Jacksonville SEO strategies.
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